Sunday Edition for January 15, 2023 – Martin Luther King Jr.’s “But If Not” Sermon

Episode Notes

This week on Sunday Edition, we celebrate MLK Weekend and honor the transfiguring legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr with our special guest host and friend of the show, Mark Richert, who will share a recording of one of Dr. King’s most stirring messages entitled, “But If Not,” a powerful call and challenge to all of us to discover and commit to a great cause. Captured just less than five months before his assassination, this moving sermon deeply convicts the listener today who, reflecting on the cutting short of Dr. King’s relatively young life, here’s his unflinching exhortation that, “If you haven’t found something so dear that you aren’t willing to die for it then you aren’t fit to live.” Then, after inviting the audience to share their reactions, Mark will moderate a panel discussion with ACB leaders to discuss perspectives on the life and legacy of Dr. King as they have influenced ACB’s own history and commitment to civil and human rights and the challenges that lay before ACB and our community generally, with panelists being asked to answer a fundamental question, “What cause or conviction do you have that you believe is worthy of sacrifice and wholehearted commitment?” It is a particular treat to welcome Mark to the host’s microphone in that Mark successfully bid on this hosting opportunity in this past December’s ACB Holiday Auction.

Mark will be inviting some great friends including Cheryl Cumings the Chair of MCAC committee and he looks forward to the open round-table conversation with Sunday Edition Audience members in the second hour.