20230113 – VISAbilities – Medical Accessibility.

Please join me when I welcome our panel of long-time advocates including Scott Marshall and Paul Edwards. for a discussion of a subject we have all experienced

over these last few years – Medical Accessibility.  Regardless of age or health issues, the world of medical care has changed for us all in recent years. 
It is time to update the ADA Medical Checklist Scott developed many years ago.  What can we as ACB members and advocates do to see that medical professionals
and IT developers receive appropriate training? Since this impacts every member of our organization and beyond, how high a priority should it have on our
agenda? What has worked for you and your loved ones?  Are there some portals that are more accessible than others?  Bring your solutions to the table so
we can all learn from one another

Find out more at https://acb-visabilities.pinecast.co