Pride Connection Presents – LGBT Senior Housing and Care Part 1

Episode Notes

Come join us for a fascinating conversation with Amy Simon and Dr. David Rosen of LGBT Senior Housing and Care as we delve into the topic of aging within the LGBT community. They work with long term care providers, providing training to ensure that the facilities are welcoming and affirming to LGBT residents.
We discuss: 

  • The importance of the Equality Act
  • The correlation between the enactment of legislation that protects the LGBT community and a concomitant decrease in suicide and depression rates 
  • The politically-charged ostracism and “othering” of the trans community 
  • The LTC Bill of Rights that exists in only three states in the nation, requiring LGBT training for providers
  • Lack of data to effect change – In the last LGBT elder census in 2011, 39% had suicidal ideation, and when narrowed to just the trans community, the number was 71%. Dr. Rosen observed that was well before these days of regressive, anti-trans laws, so those numbers must be even higher today. 

In addition, we talk about the fact that nobody is only ever one thing, i.e., blind, older, or gay. In fact, we are all many things. We belong to different categories, but we are all human and worthy of respect and compassion. 
Intersectionality is a bad word to some, but it is our reality. We discuss ways to chip away at the mindset that you can only focus on one area of your identity. 
We cover issues such as LGBT seniors who have been out their whole lives having to make the decision to go back into the closet due to the likelihood of homophobia and mistreatment within a communal living environment.
LGBT Senior Housing and Care offers training to providers to ensure that senior housing communities give their LGBT residents care that is appropriate to their needs, including legal issues, adult day care, recreation, home care, Alzheimer’s, and many other areas.

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