A Tapestry of the Happy Warrior

Please note that not all the audio is as clear as we would prefer in this podcast, but the content makes it extremely worth your time and attention. This is a phone interview that took place recently between Heather Meares and Mark Adreon for her Cheshire Cat column.

Cheshire Cat Interviews #13
A Tapestry of the Happy Warrior
by Heather Meares
[email protected]

Mark Adreon. Those are two very powerful words. It is impossible for me to describe him in simple terms, for indeed, he is not a simple man. Some words come to mind: honest and truthful, a fierce advocate, a legacy. These are all very strong words, and for good reason. Anyone who knows him would have to agree that he has earned each one of these descriptions. But there is a softer, gentler side to Mark that people may not be aware of, and I was honored to talk with him and hear more about the complex, beautiful tapestry that is Mark Adreon, the Happy Warrior.

This interview was so in-depth that I would never be able to cover all of the fascinating topics we discussed, so we have created a podcast episode to share the interview in its entirety with you all. This release is quite timely, in that Mark just retired from his 20-year career with the Washington Department of Services for the Blind (DSB). But by no means does this mean he is done. We will all be interested to see what he decides to focus his energy and efforts on in his next chapter.

For more, read the summer 2021 WCB Newsline.

Find out more at https://wcb-newsline-unleashed.pinecast.co