Main Menu 26 Aug 2020 writing and publishing from an accessibility perspective

Main Menu Live is all about writing and publishing from an accessibility perspective! Please join the Main Menu Live team as we talk all about authoring in the digital age. We first welcome the Carroll Center’s David Kingsbury who has written two books all about the web and formatting documents in Word. Which browser are you using today and which one should you use? Learn more from David’s book “When One Web Browser Is Not Enough: A Guide for Windows Screen Reader Users”. We then turn to publishing and the art of producing your content. We talk with David about his book “Format Your Word Documents with JAWS and NVDA: A Guide for Students and Professionals”. We also ask David about his process of producing his books to ensure they meet the needs of his audience. While we will be talking about the books in general, the emphasis will be on the authoring process from an accessibility perspective. Is it possible to produce professional looking documents independently? If so, what tools are being used and if not what gaps exist in the publishing process? In the second hour we speak with Michael Feir, the author of “Personal Power; The iOS Edition”. We talk about the publishing business from an accessibility perspective. This book was a labor of love for Michael and is published in multiple formats. Is Mark Down something people should consider in their workflow? What about pdf, HTML, iBooks, Daisy formats and other digital formats? We will dive deep into these topics with Michael. Learn this and much more on Main Menu live, heard on August 26th at 8:00 PM Eastern on ACB Radio Mainstream.