ACB Media Calendar

Click “Launch Event” to identify the ACB Media stream for each event.

July 3, 2022

3D Audio Excursion – found in room CHI 208 and Heard on ACB Media 4

3D Audio Excursion – found in room CHI 208 and Heard on ACB Media 4

July 3, 2022

Back by popular demand, come with Chris Snyder as he takes you on another 3D audio excursion to places real and fantastic. Put on your headphones, sit back and journey with us as we go from the ordinary to the unbelievable. We’d tell you what to expect, but where would be the fun in that? Life is an adventure, and this is one you won’t want to miss!

Launch Event

A Day in the Life an Audio Engineer/Describer – found in room CHI 208 and Heard on ACB Media 4 (CEU Eligible)

A Day in the Life an Audio Engineer/Describer – found in room CHI 208 and Heard on ACB Media 4 (CEU Eligible)

July 3, 2022

Join Chris Snyder as he takes you through a workday for a blind AD professional. You’ll get to hear what it’s like to QC a script, voice, edit and mix a program, and ask questions afterward. The curious and the aspiring AD professionals won’t want to miss it.

Launch Event