ACB Media Calendar

Click “Launch Event” to identify the ACB Media stream for each event.

June 28, 2024

(BITS) A Look at AI Platforms – (BITS) (virtual)

(BITS) A Look at AI Platforms – (BITS) (virtual)

June 28, 2024

In our second session we dive deep on what technology exists today that is both inclusive and accessible for everyone. What are the key aspects of each of the big players in the area of AI and why might you use one over the other. We uncover the last trends in AI across all of the big players and platforms, including Microsoft, Google, Apple, Open AI, and many others. This interactive session will allow guests to ask questions of our panel of experts to allow you to determine which platform is best for your specific situation. Co-sponsored by BITS and the Employment Committee

Launch Event

(ACB EMPLOYMENT) Turning Stones into Gems (virtual)

(ACB EMPLOYMENT) Turning Stones into Gems (virtual)

June 28, 2024

Learn how to find direction in your life and career. ACB Employment Committee member and author Sarah Freeman Smith will discuss her personal story and tools on her career journey as HR/Recruiting leader and now speaker and disability advocate.

Launch Event

(BITS/ACB LEADERSHIP) Implementation and Maintenance of Websites for Affiliates and Chapters (BITS) (virtual)

(BITS/ACB LEADERSHIP) Implementation and Maintenance of Websites for Affiliates and Chapters (BITS) (virtual)

June 28, 2024

ACB Affiliates and Chapters in 2024 need to have a website to reach current and potential members. This session will walk you through the necessary tools you need to build your home on the web. From domain names to web hosting and content management systems, you’ll have a clear understanding of what is possible and how to take the first or next step to build your affiliates website even if you don’t have a technology background. Co-sponsored by BITS and the Berl Colley Leadership Committee

Launch Event

(FIA) Focus Your Muse with MuseScore (FIA) (virtual)

(FIA) Focus Your Muse with MuseScore (FIA) (virtual)

June 28, 2024

Discover how MuseScore empowers individuals who are blind or have low vision to independently create music scores. Through live demonstrations, attendees will learn to navigate this free and open-source music notation application using keyboard shortcuts and receive guidance on creating digital and hard copy print and braille music scores.

Launch Event

(LUA) Library Users of America Business Meeting (virtual)

(LUA) Library Users of America Business Meeting (virtual)

June 28, 2024

As with every LUA convention, there will be a business meeting where the membership will elect board members, consider resolutions, and hear reports from LUA members who serve on library related committees. LUA is a membership organization and therefore, we rely on our members to set the direction of our advocacy and programming. We invite you to come and be a part of our business meeting.

Launch Event

(AAVL/ACBNG) Match Wits with Next Gen and the Boomers (virtual)

(AAVL/ACBNG) Match Wits with Next Gen and the Boomers (virtual)

June 28, 2024

AAVL and Next Gen members are facing off. Trivia questions will cross generations as we try to stump each others’ knowledge of the eras. Come join the fun – even if you aren’t a member of either group yet. Smirks to laughter are mandatory! Some will be pretty easy and some will break your brain.

Launch Event

(ACB WOMEN) Happy Hour CARDIO (virtual)

(ACB WOMEN) Happy Hour CARDIO (virtual)

June 28, 2024

Come and have some laughs while we do some cardio with Leslie Spoone. You can either dance around for your cardio or you can be on your equipment, such as the treadmill, elliptical or your bike. This class will leave you happy for the rest of the convention! Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobic Instructor and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL.

Launch Event

(IVIE) IVIE Business Meeting (virtual)

(IVIE) IVIE Business Meeting (virtual)

June 28, 2024

Launch Event