20240903 – Tuesday Topics – Job Research and Unemployment

It is Tuesday Topics’ plan to see if members of the employment committee want to join us! In fact I can now confirm that at least
one member of that committee will be with us! There was a lot of debate in early resolutions committee meetings this year about a proposal put together
by the Employment Committee. A resolution was passed and Tuesday Topics will be asking the committee what it says and how it may affect how ACB opera’tes
in the employment area!

In addition to their input, we want to explore some elements of employment. The level of joblessness is lower than it has ever been. Less than four percent
of our working age population is "unemployed". Yet data demonstrates that at least forty percent of people who are blind do not have jobs. We have looked
at some of the reasons and we will do that again! However, we want to explore what we think ought to be done about unemployment for people who are blind!
Whether you are working or not, you have ideas! Call us and tell us what we need to do! Vocational Rehabilitation thinks they know what to do! Organizations
for the blind and perhaps even organizations of the blind think they know! But we are asking you! Why do you think folks aren’t working? What do you think
should be done about it? How much is unemployment of people who are blind our fault as blind people? How much of a role does prejudice and discrimination
play? How will artificial intelligence affect our chances of work?