S1E157 – 20240402 – Tuesday Topics – Getting out or not.

Last week we asked you to come up with topics we could consider for future programs. I have to say that the participation of our regular listeners was
just a mite limited. Let me thank those who were there and who participated in our show. Brian Charlson actually came up with the idea for our next Topic
and I think it is an interesting one.

Initially, the topic emerged because Brian was concerned that so many plays where we ask that audio description happen are so poorly attended. Why is that?
Does it have to do with COVID? Does it have to do with the income of people who are blind or low vision? Does it have to do with discomfort with paratransit
or other ways of getting around?

Are theaters the only place where we have become tortoise-like? Are we content to wait at home till accessible movies hit the television screen? Have we
lessened our social outings now? Will our chapters more and more meet via Zoom? Do we use accessible pedestrian signals enough to justify their expense.
How about announcements on buses? Where do Uber and Lyft fit into the system?

At the heart of this issue is whether it matters! Should we be concerned that we are asking for more and involving ourselves less? If the answer is yes,
what should we do about it? Do our chapters have a responsibility to work on these issues?

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co