S1E140 – 20231107 – Tuesday Topics – The Voting Task Force Returns.

Tuesday Topics will once more consider questions raised by the Voter Task Force. There will be representatives
from Resolutions, the Constitution and Bylaws group and the Voter Task Force. At the beginning of our first meeting with this group on October 24 we read
a document that the Task Force is using for a number of community calls. We have looked at some of them but still have lots to look at. We will look at
the resolutions process and perhaps talk a bit about changes to the Constitution. We will explore how many people should be allowed to ask for a record
vote and I am sure there will be lots of other byways that we will travel down as we explore how the American Council of the Blind will do business over
the next several years. We are glad on Tuesday Topics to be a part of exploring where there may be consensus for proposing changes next year and looking
at ways that may not involve constitutional change but could involve altering the convention rules.

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co