Tuesday Topics invites folks from our Audio Description Project to tell us about what is happening with ADP and our upcoming festivities! We will be live on ACB Media One and there is information below on joining us via Zoom or from Clubhouse.
We will once more have the privilege of welcoming back the co-chairs of our Audio Description Project Carl Richardson and Kim Charlson. In the past they have been able to tell us lots about what is going on with audio description now. They will of course be primarily interested in being sure we know all about the upcoming Audio Description Gala and, as usual, they will have lots to report on how that is coming together.
In addition to Kim and Carl, we hope we will be joined by Dr. Tabitha Kenlon who is ACB’S Audio Description Project Coordinator. We have not yet had the privilege of having Dr. Kenlon on Tuesday Topics and hope we can find out more about her and what specific priorities the ADP project is highlighting now.
As usual, we expect to have some time for you to raise questions on all things audio description. These three folks will be glad to help answer those.
Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co