Show Notes episode 103 Web design for authors, Mini workshop, and book launch
Co-hosts: Cheryl McNeil Fisher and Kathy King
Enjoy episode 103 for the exciting book launch and mini workshop about web design for authors and others who are visually impaired. This is a one-of-a-kind book focused on our community’s specific needs . Find out what you need to consider about the website, what to include, and the inns and outs of getting things set up. All of this is offered to our community and simple to understand non-technical language! The dynamic team of Cheryl and Kathy make sure of fulfilling that promise:-)
Celebrate the book launch and bring your questions. It is a fun time to learn some new strategies and perspectives.
🎉🎉 Now Available!
Web Design for Authors
By, Writing Works Wonders, Cheryl McNeil Fisher & Kathleen P. King
eBook & Large Print Formats
Looking for insight on how to use word press even if you’re visually impaired? Trying to figure out how to lay out a website to highlight your work as an author in your publications? What do you include? How do you tackle this huge project? You have found the resource that will help walk you through it step-by-step.
Special features!
- This book specifically addresses using WordPress as the platform for design but can be used to guide you through any platform planning process.
- Are you visually impaired? No problem Kathy and Cheryl walk you through the process with your needs in mind!
- Written with step-by-step instructions, non-technical language, this book is sure to be a tremendous guide for many authors seeking to plan, design and build their own websites.
What page to learn more
Amazon link for purchase
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Cheryl McNeil Fisher – Author, Keynote Speaker, Educator and Coach. Seminars and Workshops Adults and Children. Submit your work for publication on our site. Guest blogging, poetry, short stories at:
Dr. Kathleen P. King– Author, Author Coach, Speaker & Professor (Ret.). Interested in technology and adult learning? Check out Dr. King’s newest book from Wiley:
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We are proud to be hosted by ACB Community, streamed live on ACB MEDIA Channel 5, and rebroadcasted on Internet radio station and ACB Media.
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