Show Notes episode 102 Guest author, Peter Abrahams, a.k.a. Spencer Quinn.
Co-hosts: Cheryl McNeil Fisher and Kathy King
In this fast-paced episode, best selling author, Peter Abrahams aka Spencer Quinn is our guest on Writing Works Wonders . Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the author of the chat and Bernie series in addition to many other standalone books. Anyone who can write with a dog as a narrator, is sure to provide a fun and informative interview for readers and writers alike. insights on writing, alternate narration methods, and plenty of creativity and inspiration included in this episode!
About Peter Abrahams aka Spencer Quinn
As a boy, I read voraciously, almost anything I could get my hands on, but I enjoyed adventure stories the most. I wasn’t one of those unhappy kids who loses himself in books. I was a pretty happy kid who did it. We had a summer cottage in Quebec. My grandmother would come up on weekends, bringing me a kind of popcorn I liked and a stack of books. There would be famous ones, like Treasure Island, and not-so-famous ones, like Red Pete the Ruthless. I can still recall the last scene of that one – Red Pete, buried up to the neck between the high and low tide lines, surrounded by his stolen gold, waves lapping closer.
Can’t you just hear the hiss of the bubbles?
I was also interested in words themselves. Probably like you, I hated to stop reading if I thought I’d pretty much understood a new word from the context, but some persnickety thing in me usually insisted I look it up. (“Persnickety,” for example, seems to derive from the Scots dialect. Nice to find out I’ve got some Scot in me, probably a surprise to my family.)
I began by writing stand-alones, meaning non-series novels – such as Lights Out, The Fan (filmed by Tony Scott, with a cast including Robert De Niro), Oblivion, and End of Story. It was during this period that Stephen King – uh-oh! I just came close to quoting from my own reviews. Wasn’t I brought up better than that?
A little later, I also started writing for younger readers, beginning with the Echo Falls series, centered around thirteen-year old Ingrid Levin-Hill. I took advantage of having four kids of my own – all that raw material! – plus the fact that, yes, I’d once been thirteen myself. Speaking of family – the most important thing in my life – my wife and children are the only people who read my books while they’re being written. I put each new chapter on the kitchen table, and any family member so inclined can read, comment, and even revise. No one holds back! The holding back gene didn’t catch on here.
I live on Cape Cod with my wife – all the kids up and grown now – and dogs Audrey and Pearl. Dogs are a big part of our life and there’s no way I could have written Chet and Bernie without them. Audrey and Pearl are the kind of researchers writers dream of, showing up every day and working for treats.
(information, copied from the Author website.)
Authors website
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