S1E3 -Ep 3 -Siri Secrets & Tips Part 1, CCLVI Zoom Call Recording of Thurs 12-2-21

Episode Notes

Siri Secrets & Tips Part 1, CCLVI Zoom Call Recording of Thurs 12-2-21

We shared commands that can be used by voice on Siri. We will have part two of this series on December 16, 2021 at 8 PM Eastern.

Following is a partial list of commands we mentioned in this episode.

weather report and forecast,
placing phone calls,
sports scores, sports statistics,
sending text messages, listening to text messages,
alarms and reminders,
making appointments in your calendar,
taking notes,
listening to BARD,
listening to podcasts,
using as a calculator,
translator feature,
dictionary and thesaurus features,
listen to a story,
Discover Easter eggs

Thanks for all who participated and shared the wealth.

CCLVI – Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

  • CCLVI is an international nonprofit organization and community of individuals who understand low vision needs and experiences. We are here to provide support, resources, education, and advocacy for those who are impactedk by low vision and visual impairment. From publications, to live Zoom calls, online resources, and conferences, discover what we have to offer you.
  • Website – https://cclvi.info
  • Toll Free Information Line – Tel 1-844-460-0625
  • Website/technical inquiries – CCLVIWebmaster@gmail.com

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