Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 274- Guide Dogs and Public Transportation

Guide Dogs for the Blind has launched a short video to help make a more inclusive public transportation experience for the blind and guide dogs. Joining us to talk about the new video will be Guide Dogs for the Blind Director of Outreach and Advocacy Rabih Dow.
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2.Ā Wait 30 seconds and then say: ā€œAlexa, Open ACB Mediaā€
The new ACB Media skill will launch.
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  • ACB Mainstream is now ACB 1
  • ACB Mainstream 2 is now ACB 2

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For more info related to this weekā€™s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-274-guide-dogs-and-public-transportation